In a column on the The National Newspaper on St. Andrew’s day our directors Andrea Pisauro and Nina Jetter explained why we launched a new petition for every Scot to sign to make sure Scotland situation is discussed during the EU elections 2024. You can read it below.
“For the first time in more than 30 years next year will see both a General Election in the UK and a presidential election in the US. 

But there’s another election that could be just as important that no one seems to have on the radar yet: The European Parliamentary Elections that will be held in May. 

If you’re inclined to shrug and think this doesn’t matter, think again, because with sweeping EU reforms now on the table, the next EU Parliament is promising to be the most consequential ever. Above all it will oversee a historic expansion of the EU. 

Putin’s war and Ukraine’s just desire to join the EU has led to serious discussions about substantial EU reforms, which could include treaty changes and transform the EU as we know from a close-knit family of nations into a larger and more democratic union. 

Ukraine, Moldova and several Balkan states are officially in line as the immediate beneficiaries of EU expansion. Meanwhile, Scotland won’t be part of these plans for enlargement, or even partake in the EU’s discussions about it, unless we all make a collected effort to put Scotland on the agenda. 

It will be up to the Scottish people to decide what kind of relationship Scotland wants with the EU and with the other UK nations. However, as European citizens we want to ensure that in Europe doors remain open and options remain on the table also for Scotland as plans for enlargement are drawn. 

Due to Brexit, these EU elections will be the first in which Scots cannot vote. We campaign to bring the Scottish voice back into European debates. While we cannot speak for Scots, we can offer Scots a platform to make their voices heard. 

That’s why we’re launching a new petition for Scots to express their dismay over Brexit and to ask Europeans to remember Scotland’s continued desire to return to an EU that would only be better with Scotland in it.” 

Add your signature today and let’s raise our voice for Scotland during the European elections in 2024.