Our thoughts on Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation

This morning one of the most decent and talented politicians in Europe announced her resignation.

Unlike the litany of British Prime Ministers who resigned in disgrace, Nicola Sturgeon is stepping down despite the respect and popularity she enjoys both at home and across Europe. In the starkest possible contrast to Boris Johnson, who had to be dragged out of Downing Street kicking and screaming, Sturgeon is departing out of her own will.

Her resignation came as a shock to everyone, and sad news for many, including all of us who had great respect for her intelligence, dedication and integrity shown throughout her premiership.

Nicola Sturgeon has been at the very top of Scottish politics for almost two decades and First Minister of Scotland for more than 8 years, which makes her one of the longest serving heads of government in Europe.

Her departure speech was honest, sensible and humane.

Such a long time in office has a big personal toll and it’s human to take stock. All the more so when we all know, and she certainly does better than anyone else, that Westminster’s denial of Scottish democracy will likely persist for a few years still.

We understand her feeling that she’s been leader for long enough and that there’s too much focus on her as opposed to policy. It’s about time that those that seek to deny the Scottish people a choice about their future understand that the cause of an independent European Scotland is greater than any individual.

Whilst Scotland is trapped in a constitutional limbo, a debate is urgent about the way ahead. Sturgeon decision’s to quit now is also an attempt to make that debate freer and more democratic.

We’ re confident that Scottish democratic energy will continue to thrive and inspire citizens across Europe and the UK. Having fresh leadership may even strengthen the movement on the path ahead.

Thanks to the passion of activists of all ages, and certainly also thanks to the enormous contribution of Nicola Sturgeon, the dream of an Independent European Scotland is stronger today than it has ever been. May this long be the case!