Press coverage of Europe for Scotland’s launch

Our campaign was launched on Thursday, the 29th of April, with the simultaneous publication of the letter in 10 European countries.

In Scotland the launch was covered by The National and again in a column from Lesley Riddoch, as well as by The Herald and Bella Caledonia.

In England the letter was published by The Guardian, which also ran a news story on it, and also covered at lengths by openDemocracy.

In the EU, the Irish Times (Ireland), Libération (France), Domani (Italy), Público (Portugal), BritskeListy (Czech Republic), Krytyka Polityczna (Poland) and Politiken (Denmark) ran the letter in full.

Covers of all newspaper which covered the launch

The Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany) ran an op-ed by Misha Glenny, Politico and China Daily ran stories about it. Al Jazeera even asked the UK government for its response. Guess what? No answer.

Overall, the response to our launch has been extraordinary and a testimony of the incredible international and European interest in the future of Scotland.

Since the launch has happened, we have received several requests from the Scottish, English and international press. Among the many, it is worth mentioning that the National run a story about Nicola Sturgeon sharing our open letter, and Scottish commentator Gerry Hassan wrote a very nice piece where he put our letter into a historical perspective. We also held a press conference in front of more than 40 international journalists, organised by the Foreign Press Association. The initiator of our campaign, Anthony Barnett, has been interviewed on two one hour discussion programmes: in England on Byline Times TV  and on Broadcasting Scotland’s Sunday discussion, Full Scottish. Have a watch below!

4 thoughts on “Press coverage of Europe for Scotland’s launch

  1. Natacha Bucina says:

    Il va vous falloir du courage, de la persévérance, de la solidarité tout ce qui fait le peuple ecossais.vous aurez toujours mon soutien aussi petit qu’il soit. Pressée de vous rendre visite en septembre si tout va bien. I love you scotland from a french women.

    1. Hugh Hunter says:

      Merci, Natacha. It’s greatly appreciated.

  2. Ingrid Legenstein says:

    Ich gratuliere Ihnen zu Ihrer mutigen Initiative zum Wohle der Menschen in Schottland. Viele meiner Freunde und Freundinnen haben Ihren Aufruf in Solidarität mit unterschrieben.
    Ich freue mich schon, Schottland nach Covid zu bereisen.

  3. Uwe Zagratzki says:

    There is a long European line in the Scottish People´s History. It is time the Union of 1707 is repealed.

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